WARNING: This site requires javascript to operate.
If you were sent here and see this, you don't have javascript enabled.
You can still continue to your link though, just delete everything prior to and including the first # or ? symbol in your browser's URL bar.
Welcome to DoNotReferer.Me!
Many modern sites have moved to using the URL hash section for navigation and passing of data (like encryption keys).
I could not find any referer hiding services that would include the hash, so I decided to create a simple one.
This site replaces your sites referer header with DoNotReferer.me
This is good for preventing websites from knowing where your visitors are coming from.
Yay, reduced tracking!!!
To use, just put https://DoNotReferer.Me/# in front of your links.
You can also use a question mark instead of the hash for compatibility with similar services, however the URL will be sent to the server and also passed to the redirected host. The site will redirect question mark URLs to a hash URL first.
- https://DoNotReferer.Me/#https://www.fake-domain.co.e
- https://DoNotReferer.Me/#https://www.fake-domain.co.e/?ok=1#wee
- https://DoNotReferer.Me/?https://www.fake-domain.co.e/#wee
- https://DoNotReferer.Me/#https://www.whatismyreferer.com/?ok=1#wee
- https://DoNotReferer.Me/?https://www.whatismyreferer.com/?ok=1#wee
- Bitcoin: bc1q6npfguvw8hyye03gl0u8jc0vufrn93mtacu8zh
- Bitcoin-Cash: bitcoincash:qpgy8jle3rsas7n0kpmju34lwfunqfvk95l2fpeuxt
- Ethereum: 0xc66dd2f499e19fdedD34F6c64481f5558151864B
- Theta: 0xa5E537973466a178CDee5B70FAD9D05D669373CF
- You may want to urlencode your url prior if you have issues.
- This site requires javascript to operate.
- I do not forward most request verbs. Only items passed in the header. (GET with query and hash strings)
- We have a few domains: DoNotReferer.Me, DontReferer.Me, and DoNotRefer.Me. We don't have DontRefer.Me.
- Referer, Referrer, and Refer are different things. This site is Referer as in HTTP Referer (A misspelling set in stone by the HTTP RFC)
- Right now this site is meant to be minimal and ugly, as it was just born and I don't have time to care for it. Most users won't even see it, but for a flash of a second.
- This site is not affiliated with any of the URLs provided and there is nothing to take down as it just redirects based off the provided URL.
- You literally should send a takedown request to your own computer or browser for the same reason you would send one to us.
- If you really want to block a link from redirecting, after reading and agree entirely to this, you can email TakeDown@NoJS.Replace.With.Site.Domain with all your information... really I want everything, what you ate for breakfast, when you were 7 what did you do with the napkin, copy of id, why you think you have the right to request it, proof that you know what this site actually does, etc. You know, everything, overload me with information. I really need proof that you're not a bot and have the right to request this. I'm very skeptical and will likely think you are lying anyway. You also have to acknowledge that everything you send me is public domain and cannot be private, the act of sending me anything means you agree to these terms. I will then decide if I should block it. Blocking would mean that I have to put an exception about your site in the visible code and it will just advertise the link to the world. I will probably also list you as the asshole who doesn't understand the site with all your infomation somewhere including the links you don't want redirected. Then I will probably just make the page list the URL you blocked and have a nice copy button so they can copy and then paste it in the URL box. If you don't agree with all of this, then you cannot send me anything.
While this site does not intentionally record anything about users, that could change. There is no expectation of privacy.